Some of them have been asked by people who live in the US and some have been asked by people at home (I am not going to name any names.) Below are a list of 'serious' questions I have been asked. No jokes here!!
Questions from the USA
1. Ooooh! You're from England? Did you find it difficult learning a new language?
2. So what did you cook back in England? You had to buy everything from farms and make everything from scratch, right? You don't have grocery stores like we do here do you?
3. Oh my god, your accent is so cool! I'd LOVE to go to Australia! Did you ever get to meet Steve Irwin??
4. You're not from around here are you? Do I hear a Pennsylvania accent?
5. Oh, those black bowler hats that all the men wear in England are SO cute!
6. "Excuse me Mam, did I hear you say you were from England??? Do you happen to know someone called Bob Smith? He lives in London!?"
7. Do you know the queen?
8. (Cops in a restaurant) "I have a thing about the English accent, could you please say, in your sexiest English voice, {Mans Name} You are soooo sexy!" Uhm... No.
9. OH cool!!!! You're a Brit!! TOODLE PIP, PIP PIP, CHEERIO CHAPS!
10. Everything stops there at noon for tea and crumpets, right?
11. Your teeth are so nice! You must have had those fixed here, huh? Seeing as everyone in England has bad teeth and all.
Questions from England
1. Can you send me a gun?
2. Do you have cheese over there?
3. What about cows?
4. Do you not find it all very 'Jerry Springer?'
5. Aren't you worried about getting eaten by an alligator?
6. Oooh you're not going to be living anywhere near where that movie Deliverance was filmed are you? You know! De de ling ding ding din ding ding ding..
7. How big exactly is a supersized Big Mac? Can you eat a whole one? I bet they are HUGE!
8. Does your husband talk like the Marlboro Man? You know, "Howdy Pardner" Does he wear chaps?
9. A 20 hour drive from Maryland to Florida? But it's only 2 inches on the map!!
10. I don't understand American Football. ME NEITHER! ;)
11. They eat burgers every day! I bet you are so sick of burgers.
That is actually a relatively short list!! There are many more, I am sure!!
Have you ever been asked a funny question by someone out of town or country? I'd love to hear them if you have!!
Thanks for stopping by!
~ Tasha